Workplaces need all kinds of minds. But some employees with mental disabilities may feel like their learning differences make it challenging to keep up. To fix this, some try to get reasonable accommodations through their employer under the Americans With Disabilities...
Firm News
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Your Rights with Pregnancy Disability Leave
Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) is a provision of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) that allows employees to PDL is an important in all kinds of industries and professions. If you need to exercise the right to take job-protected leave with PDL, you...
Attorney Reisman Takes On Workplace Harassment Lawsuit
Reisman Takes On Workplace Harassment Lawsuit In an ongoing case, Attorneys Daniel and Erin Reisman are representing a man in a workplace harassment and discrimination lawsuit. Our client, who is a black man, claims to have found a dummy of his likeness hanging from a...